
Motor driven vacuum-probe system for the defluidisation of products that otherwise make bag handling palletising difficult or impossible.  Some products retain the air that they gain from processing or simply by moving during transport. These products can be "solidified" by sucking out the air. Sometimes this leads to a significant reduction of volume as well but the main reason is to make the bags more solid so they can be palletised.

We can find out if it is possible and useful to defluidise your product by doing tests in our factory.

This system can be used as independent component and can be integrated into existing machines. It is used in automatic and semi-automatic bagging machines.


The product bag is placed below the vacuum probe. Rods with filter probes are inserted into the bag with a motor-driven tooth-belt. When reaching the lowest position the vacuum from a pump is applied ot the probes. The time of defluidisation can be adjusted individually depending on the type of products. After defluidisation is completed the probes are cleaned from product by a strong air blast and pulled out by the motoric drive.


  • servo-motor driven tooth belt
  • easy to dismantle and to clean
  • filter probes of plastic sinter
  • filter probes in different lengths
  • rugged steel construction
  • vacuum valve stain repellent
  • rugged vacuum pump


  • filter probes of ceramics
  • filter probes of stainless steel sintered metal
  • exchangeable filter probes